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Spandan Mallick

Thank you Clinton Fernandes for the A2A!

谢克林顿·费尔南德斯(Clinton Fernandes)邀

Often, while searching for life on other planets, we forget that the life we intend to find might not be green slender moving beings with big slimy brains - yes, they need not be intelligent. As much as a small organism (rather, a micro-organism) is an immense find for life on other planets.


For example, elongated micro-structures have been found on a Martian meteorite named ALH84001 that had struck the pole of Earth and has been predicted to have come from - MARS, almost 13,000 years ago! Here is a picture of those elongated structures:


(IMAGE SOURCE: Britannica Encyclopedia)


These have been thought by many to be signs of earlier life on Mars. However, there is no majority consensus amongst working researchers on the topic. The meteorite was recovered from the Allan Hills ice field of Antarctica in 1984.


So, if we do find life on Mars, it is less probable that one would find beings like these:


IMAGE SOURCE: Space Magazine)


And more probable, they’ll be like this:


(IMAGE SOURCE: Live Science Daily)


The organism showed above is called a tardigrade which is possibly the toughest organism to ever tread Earth - it can literally survive years without oxygen, or in extreme radiation or even in fire! They simple don’t die! A European team of researchers sent a group of living tardigrades to orbit the earth on the outside of a FOTON-M3 rocket for 10 days in 2007. They survived perfectly! So, it’s more probable life on Mars will be microscopic.


With more and more probes and rovers being launched to search for life on Mars (if it exists), it is more likely humans will come across some form of life on Mars within some years if it exists. The recent Perseverance rover sent by NASA and landed in 2021, also has Astro-Biology as one of it’s mission obxtives.




Ali Mohammad,

There are 2 possibilities but its more a fiction than reality.


Possibility 1:

Microbes could exist in Mars due to the Martian soil however, Mars atmosphere is not thick at all, it has small quantities of water vapor and does not have a magnetosphere in order to have surface atmosphere which is why life most likely does not exist; but if it did, it would be in the form of bacteria/germs undetectable to the naked eye in very few parts of the location with minimum radiation and wind pressure effects.


Possibility 2:

This possibility is too silly due to conspiracies but for the sake of it:


Mars Alien Civilization Ruin/Fossil Ruins conspiracy theory


Walled City on Martian atmosphere theory


Andrew Forrest

Given the shortage of clement conditions on Mars, we would not expect to find much more than simple prokaryote life on Mars such as bacteria. Something anaerobic that doesn’t require sunlight would be the obvious choice, such as anoxic iron cycling microbes which could survive in underground aquifers that we are reasonably sure exist on Mars.


This doesn’t sound like much to get excited about, but if we find these wee beasties there it will revolutionise biology, and literally double our number of known sources of life. Does this life have a shared genetic heritage with us and are our long lost cousins? Does this life have a completely different origin and use different methods of earning a living, so to speak? Either way it would be incredibly fascinating to find life on the red planet, and maybe we’ll have some answers before the middle of the century.


标签: #magnetosphere 翻译